Each Child is as it should be
There is a plan for everyone and everything
Even when all seems random there is purpose
If a child cannot walk, carry them
If a child cannot speak, find a way to hear them
If a child cannot live, remember them
You can ask why but there is no answer
Accept the now and live for tomorrow
Remember good days especially on bad
Never say you can’t
You can
You will as long as you must
Never give up hope
That is all you have
Enjoy the tiny triumphs
Wish on as many stars as you want
The stars are endless
Hold those you love tight
Tell them when everything is not ok
Accept help, it does not make you weak
It makes you stronger
Never compare your child to others
This is a road thwart with disappointment
Cheer for what your child achieves
Do not feel sad for what they cannot
Know they adore you, unconditionally
You have been chosen because you can
A child’s soul knows no disability
It is as pure as any other
Your child does not know they are different
They will ask why one day,
Answer with the truth,
They are a different type of perfect
When they ask cross that bridge
Do not worry for that time now
Just another bridge in this journey
There are many bridges
Each leads somewhere
Even those that lead nowhere
Nowhere is still a destination
Some over fire some over water
Some stained with tears, others laughter
Hold the rail and walk straight and strong
Keep going, just keep going
Especially when you think you can’t
Find what makes you smile
Tears will come, as will anger
You are tired and your heart is broken
Ypur heart will break again and again
Until the tiny pieces fall like sand through your hands
Surround yourself with friends
They can help you pick up the pieces
Find light in the darkness
You need to open your eyes to find it
It is there, among the tears
In the pieces of your heart
In your child’s laughter
Kelly Dugan
I would never presume to understand what you are experiencing but the way you have with words is extraordinary. Keep writing, I love your honesty. Love, Gina
Thanks for your message Gina. Thank you for taking the time to say hello I appreciate knowing people are actually popping by my blog to say hello. x Kelly